Cherokee Rose Border Collies


Border Collie Items for Sale
Holiday Celebration at Cherokee Rose
The Legend of the Cherokee Rose
Meet the Breed.
Border Collie Puppies
Adoption Dogs
Trained Dogs
Older Pups For Sale
Contact us.
Pups in Their New Homes
Herding Dogs
Agility Dogs
Working Dogs
About Us
Foundation Dogs
Champion Herding Dogs
The International Border Collie Association
Funny Dog Pictures

Our family has had dogs all of our lives.  We have been raising Border Collies since the mid 1980's.  We were fortunate enough to get two excellent dogs as our foundation stock.  Both Bear and Zelda carried the red gene and came from some of the best working stock in the US and abroad at that time.  In additon they were beautiful with the best personalities ever!!  We have added more champion herding lines over the years, and you will see, we have some of the top lines in the US.

My First Border Collie, Bear.


"The difference between a great and a timeless champion is the genetic ability to recreate."

Music Box Dancer Website Design and Graphics
Website Design With Music in Mind