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*****We are keeping a detailed log of all of the bogus e-mail requests and phone calls.  We are aware of Eileen Stein's tag system.****


Did you know that Patty Rogers has told reinstated member that he could not associate with non ABCA members??



Were you expelled???
Below are some examples of expulsion.


Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise.
Three-Year-Old  Was Expelled for Spelling 'GOD'.
When Ryan was diagnosed with HIV, the Kokomo, Indiana school board expelled him from school because they felt he was a health risk to other students.
A college student was expelled Thursday by his university for writing he is gay on his profile .
Bushmen  were expelled from Homeland. 
Atheist student was expelled for questioning classmate's belief ...I think it's just because they were discussing this girls "religion" in school and that's not allowed...but seriously, EXPELLED?
Teen Was Expelled From School For Turning In Found GunA 13-year-old Plainfield boy, and his parents are stunned and outraged after the teen found a gun in school and turned it in to authorities.
Members of the ABCA were expelled without a reason.

Some Clubs that we were NOT suspended from:
Kappa Delta Sorority
President of Pledge Class
Belle Corps
Georgia Association of Educators
North Carolina Association of Educators
Secretary of High School Student Body
Secretary of High School Student
Beta Club
Outstanding Seniors
American Kennel Club
American International Border Collie Association
North American Sheepdog Society
Willow Point Homeowners'  Association
University of Georgia Cheerleading Squad
National Honor Society
High School Varsity Cheerleading Squad, Captain
Jr. Varsity Cheerleading Squad
Drama Club
Parent Teacher Association Sarah Smith, Owen Middle School, North Buncombe Middle School, Austin Elementary School, Mineral Springs Elementary School, Dunwoody Elementary School, Westside High School, Nancy Creek Elementary School, Brunson Elementary School, Paisley Middle School, TC Roberson High School
Future Teachers of America
Ga State Teacher's Scholarship
Rich's Teen Board
Sears College Board
Forest Grove Baptist Church
Wieuca Road Baptist Church
Roxboro Homeowner's Association


*****All of those folks hurt by the ABCA have registered their dogs and pups elsewhere*****


Is it legal to sign someone else's name? Sure it is as long as you have Power of Attorney!! Read about written and verbal agreements by clicking here!!


If you are registering with the ABCA, you need to check your pedigrees very carefully when you receive them.  They are often filled with mistakes!!!

Click to view larger image.

How far will the ABCA go on its rampage? Click here to find out!!


There is another breeder in Tennessee named Cindy whose papers are now on hold for apparently no reason whatsoever.   The ABCA still has her
paperwork and money.  Her papers have been on hold since October 2006,
and it is now April 2007.

Did you know that Leona sent out registration papers to a breeder in Virginia without ever having received the paperwork for that dog because "she likes this breeder?"
Do you know this same breeder with less than 2 years breeding experience is collecting all of the colors as pets??  Then she breeds them at the age of one year old?  These dogs came from suspended breeders or their dogs, and now she is e-mailing other people telling them she would never ever buy a dog from a suspended breeder.  At the same time, she is running an ad in the Washington Post for her CKC puppies from these dogs.   Apparently, she doesn't want the ABCA to know!!

A Border Collie breeder we know in Tennessee was put on HOLD in June 2006, without being notified of any problems or even told that they put him on hold.  The ABCA went to his farm (did not get there until fall of 2006) and DNA'd all his dogs that he wanted ABCA pups from.  All of his dogs passed the DNA testing, no problems; he answered all of their questions.  He was told by the ABCA office he had NO complaints at all against him.
 Well, now it is almost April 2007, and the ABCA refuses to give him his papers and refuses to tell him WHY.  He has been with them since their beginning and is a very honest man.  The ABCA kept their mouths shut and allowed him to sell ABCA pups for months without telling him he was on hold, even when he called and asked about his papers.  They always said they were just busy, that's all.   Now the ABCA is telling complete strangers on the phone details of why he is on hold, but won't tell the breeder himself.   Very unprofessional!!!

There is a breeder in Georgia selling ABCA papers without the dogs!!  He can get you any set of papers you want.

Hey....I just wanted to take a moment and say you are right on target on your website. I am a member of the BC boards. I joined a while back, thinking I would learn stuff there, and those people are judgemental assholes. (Excuse my vulgarity). They knock EVERYONE.

Did you know that Eileen recently banned members from the BC Boards that were posting on a forum that listed non ABCA breeders?  We live in AMERICA.  Should one person have this much power?  This is illegal.

The Board of Directors of the
United States Border Collie Club, Inc.


Ethel Conrad: Chairman Emeritus
Eileen Stein: President
Brooks Parrott: Vice President
Kay Pine: Secretary
Laura Carson: Treasurer
Bill Fosher: Director
Sally Molloy: Director
Davida Hall: Director
Rebecca Shouse: Director
Gail Dapogny: Director
Kay Stevens DVM: Director
Heather Nadelman: Director
Davida Hall: Newsletter Editor




Eileen is a lawyer living in Maryland. She has five Border Collies who help with her small flock of sheep and occasionally compete in sheepdog trials.


Be careful of what you may become  and where you may end up after becoming a member of the ABCA.


One breeder was sent the wrong number of males and females in his litter.  The breeder found the mistake, not the ABCA!

This is one of the pages of the American Border Collie Association's Newsletter commending themselves on the spreading of libelous rumours they are mailing out about people.  Feel free to download it.

We just discovered that the American Border Collie Association issued more papers than the 4 males and 4 females of one of our blue litters.   Six males and 5 females were registered by the ABCA.  Be sure to check to see if the right number of pedigrees were issued on your litters. 

When Eileen Stein contacted us, she said that it was questionable that I had a sister.  Well, Eileen, I have two sisters, and here the three of us are:
Mary Ann, Linda, and Susan!!
This picture is especially for you, Eileen.


When people call the ABCA, you would be surprised at the unprofessionalism of  the people who answer the phone.  They talk about members to people that they don't even know.  Those people e-mail  or call us  about what has been said.  IT IS AMAZING.   The latest is that the people that answer the phone don't work for the ABCA, but they work for Patty Rogers so they can say anything that they want about anyone.   This is for you, Leona.


Click here to read the by laws of the ABCA. Quite a few people do not even have access to a computer, and they are not informed of all of the changes being made.

Use other registries.  Ignore hate e-mails.  Don't visit the Border Collie Boards.  These are filled with pitiful people who spend their time bashing others when they need to take a good look in the mirror.  Above all, love the dogs the ABCA have tried to curse!!

Facts About the ABCA
Did you know that one ABCA Board of Director is also president of the USBCHA and moderator of the Border Collie Boards?
Did you know that the Border Collie Boards is quite often a place to bash breeders?
Did you know that Patty Rogers makes $3.75 out of every $8.00 Registration Fee?
Did  you know that the American Border Collie Association is actually a trust which operates much like a homeowner's association?  They are able to change the rules at will.  Also, they are subject to Anti Trust laws.
Did you know that at least one ABCA Board of Director is a member os the BCSA, the AKC parent club?
Did you know that one ABCA Board of Director sent out pictures from a kennel investigation?  Did you know that violates the Privacy Act of 1074 and the Fourth Amendment?
Did you know that the ABCA investigators want to know where dogs are when in fact they have never required any member to keep records?
Did you know that the  closing of the AIBC was discussed on the Border Collie Boards, and the moderator said it just faded away when, in fact, all ot the records of the AIBC were damaged in a huge hurricane?
Did you know that the ABC was founded by Peg Brown because people were dissatisfied with the AIBC?  This was not many years ago.
Did you know that in America you have a right to free enterprise and that there are no laws prohibiting suspended members from the ABCA from selling ABCA dogs?
Did you know that if an organization is collecting data about you that you have a right to see it according to the Privacy Act of 1974?
Did you know that in America,  you have right to know what you are being accused of, and if you do not know that you do not have to cooperate?
Did you know that the American Border Collie Association actually has another location in Delaware?  This is a state that corporations love to be based in because their laws for corporations are so lax.
Did you know that when we contacted Patty Rogers to see who owned one of our dogs that she said she was just too busy to locate that information??
The American Border Collie Association posted the results of previous  elections of the Directors.  They did not give out that information this time, and quite a few members are wondering why.
The Australian Shepherd Registry did the exact same kind of investigations right before the AKC closed their books on the Australian Shepherds.  Now, it cost $150 to register a dog with the National Stockdog Registry.  This is because they lost their larger breeders to the investigations, and numerous others flocked to the AKC.

Did you know that two dogs ran in the nationals that were from the same female?  Their birthdates were two months apart.  How can this be?

Did you know that a man who had purchased a female dog and had not transferred her into his name BEFORE she had puppies was recently told by Patty Rogers to just backdate the transfer?

Did you know that the ABCA is advising non members who have not received their papers to return the dogs to breeders for their money back?   In one particular case the breeder sold the pups as pets and required hip and eye certifications before papers were to be issued. 


Did you know that one USBCHA director was aware of forgery and supplying fake papers on a Border Collie by one of her rescue contacts?

Has your privacy been endangered by the ABCA? A somewhat distinct problem associated with consumer privacy has to do with the physical security of the consumer. A person who has made enemies may find himself being stalked or threatened; family members, coworkers and neighbors of the person could become involved as innocent bystanders.

Read what the American Bar Association writes about privacy violations. There are legal protections against invading privacy in various ways such as an intrusion by wrongfully using eavesdropping devices,publicizing private matters, publicizing in a false light, or appropriating a person's name or likeness for commercial purposes.

The definition of Free Enterprise is defined below.
Business governed by the laws of supply and demand, not restrained by government interference, regulation or subsidy. also called free market.
Click on the picture to see if your ability to compete in America's Free Enterprise System has been compromised by the ABCA.


What is Slander?
Slander is a spoken defamation. Defamation or "defamation of character," is spoken or written words that falsely and negatively reflect on a living person's reputation.



Beware of so called trainers and AKC Herding Judges that put libel on their websites. These people are NOT PROFESSIONAL and should be AVOIDED at all costs!!



Click here to read an educated definition of a puppymill.





















"The difference between a great and a timeless champion is the genetic ability to recreate."

Proud lifetime members of the International Border Collie Association!!


